Friday, January 31, 2025

Fancy Solar DX-3 Point and Shoot


Jumping from a well-known camera from a trustworthy camera company to a relatively unknown “scamera” or “trashcam” from a dubious company. This post will be looking at a possible New Taiwan Photographic Corp. camera, the Fancy Solar DX-3.

I already referred to the history (whatever there is left of anyway) of the New Taiwan Photographic Corp. (see Sounex YN-9000 Re-usable Camera) that is most likely responsible for this camera. So, I will be going over evidence that points to the Solar DX-3 being made by New Taiwan and then I will be going over the camera itself.

The first thing I found is that, like the Sounex YN-9000 Re-usable Camera, there is very little information available on this camera. But like the Sounex, this camera’s body mould was reused and goes by different other names (which seems to be a staple in New Taiwan Photographic Corps business practices), such as the Franka DX-3 Fancy (Kamerastore 2023), the Focus DX-3 Fancy (Kamerastore 2022) and Civica DX-3 Fancy (burgerac). Those are only the ones I could find, I am sure there are more seeing that the one in this post has the name Solar and can’t be found anywhere! So I am sure there is more out there with different names.

Franka DX-3 Fancy. Image Source:

Focus DX-3 Fancy. Image Source:

Civica DX-3 Fancy. Image Source:

The second piece of evidence is that the Solar DX-3 Fancy is part of the New Taiwan’s vast catalogue of cameras, in that two names (Franka and Civica) are names that the New Taiwan Photographic Corp. used frequently as the names appear a lot on some of the cameras on CollectiBlend’s (2023) list of New Taiwan cameras. Not only that, but some of the cameras’ designs that has the Franka name looks eerily similar to the Solar/Franka/Civica/Focus DX-3 Fancy cameras. Such as the Franka AF-300 and the Franka x-500.

Franka AF-300. Image Source:

Franka X-500. Image Source:

Now for the third piece of evidence, the design of the Solar DX-3. Looking at the camera, there are clear indications that this camera belongs to the New Taiwan Photographic Corp. family. Some of them are common design indications, such as the lines or groves on the bottom right corner. Many New Taiwan cameras have this, like the Sounex YN9000, the Vista KX-500 and Ocean WR-1. But this is debatable.

Vista KX500.Image Source:

Ocean WR-1. Image Source:

Then there is the way this camera operates and how it was manufactured. Firstly, it is made entirely from plastic and most likely has weights added to the bottom plate (a New Taiwan trademark), the lens is “made in Japan,” has a focal length around 1:6, is “focus free” or “free focus” and has a range of 35-38mm (only for the simple point and shoot cameras anyway) as seen on the Nippon AR-4392F, Excel DL-3 and Canomatic C-600.

Nippon AR-4392F. Image Source:

Excel EL-3. Image Source:

Canomatic C-600. Image Source:

Then there is the film advance winding knob and rewind button at the bottom of the Solar DX-3 that is exactly the same as the Sounex YN-9000 Re-usable Camera.

As I indicted, all of these are debatable, but the fact that it is plastic, feels cheap, and apparently is branded under different names (two of those names being strongly associated with the company) and looks like New Taiwan Photographic Corps’ other point and shoot cameras, leads me to believe that this was manufactured by them.

Now let’s examine the camera itself.

 Described as: “A wonderfully easy to use and simple re-useable point and shoot camera perfect for beginners. Equipped with a Fixed Focus Lens and a built in flash, this camera can be used in all settings and is reliable and easy to use. Working very similarly to a disposable camera this one is great for those wanting something similar but with the benefits of being re-useable…” by Retro Camera Shop (2025).

It is made mostly of plastic, has a dimension of 136 x 78 x 51mm and weighs around 257g (Kamerastore 2023). Which is similar to the Sinpo PQ-3 Point and Shoot Film Camera that is 130 x 72 x 48 mm (Minophoto), but it is the difference in weight. Both cameras seem to have the same components, but the Solar is heavier, than the Sinpo at 220g (Minophoto). One could make the argument that because the dimensions are different, so would the weight be. That is valid, but the dimensions only differ by 6 x 6 x 3 mm. Meaning that the weight should be similar or just have a 3-6g difference between them, not 37g! This is the reason why I mentioned that the Solar may have weights added to it like the Sounex YN-9000 Re-usable Camera.

Anyway, let’s look at the front…

The lens is Japanese made (probably made by Kinetic), focus free, with a focus range of 38mm and a focal length of 1: 6.3. It also has a lens cap/slide like the Sinpo PQ-3 Point and Shoot Film Camera. But this lens slide doesn’t turn the camera on or off like the Sinpo. Instead it does lock the shutter from firing if it is still covering the lens, but this feature only works sometimes.

Underneath the lens is the ISO/aperture settings.

Similar to the Sinpo, this is used to help set the correct aperture that corresponds with the film’s ISO, but it isn’t accurate. Also like the Sinpo PQ-3 Point and Shoot Film Camera, Agfa Clack Film camera and the Kodak No. 2 Brownie Camera Model D, the aperture is a plate that has different size holes punched in it instead of aperture pedals/blades.

There are only three settings. The smallest is a square hole punched in the plate, which is used for film with an ISO of 400-1000. The second smallest is for film with an ISO of a 100 and the biggest setting is anything under an ISO of a 100 and is also the setting that turns on the flash. 

Above the lens…

Is the viewfinder and next to that is the built-in flash.

On top…

Is the film rewind crank, which is also used to hold the film in place in the film compartment. To release the film, the user must lift it up.

Next to that is the shutter release/button. The shutter speed is unknown, but if we look at other point and shoot cameras and the Sounex YN9000, it should be around 1/100 second. 

Then next to that is the film counter, that is the same as the Sounex YN9000.

Underneath the camera…

Is the battery compartment to power the flash and it takes 2 AA batteries.

Then there is the rewind button, that must be pressed and held when using the rewind crank to rewind the film, again similar to the Sounex YN9000. Underneath that is the tripod socket.

Then on the back…

Is the film compartment. Unlike the Sounex YN9000, the compartment isn’t opened with the rewind crank, but with a latch on the compartment cover. This could be an indication that this camera was made after the Sounex, possibly mid to late 1990s.

Above the cover, is the viewfinder, with the indicator that lets the user know is the flash is ready.

Next to that is the film advance winding knob or thumb wheel.

The camera takes 35mm film. To learn about that and how film works please see my Kodak 200 Color Plus Film post.

In my Sinpo PQ-3 Point and Shoot Film Camera post, I wrote that point and shoot cameras are the best starting point for photographers, that want to experiment with film photography. Their small size makes it easy to pack in with the digital gear and they don’t require much skill to use.

But, I would not recommend the Fancy Solar DX-3 as a point and shoot camera. Although it looks cool and has a slightly better lens then the Sinpo, it is actually awful. The shutter, thumb wheel and even rewind button underneath tend to jam and get stuck. The film counter keeps on resetting, so you lose count of what frame you are on. So, in other words I am saying that Retro Camera Shop’s (2025), description is not factually correct.

Say what you will about the Sounex YN-9000 Re-usable Camera, but at least that camera has a working shutter, film counter and thumb wheel. I suppose the rise of point and shoot made New Taiwan Photographic Corp. rush when building this camera, because the quality took a big nose dive in my opinion.

If you want a point and shoot camera, just go with the Sinpo PQ-3, heck at this point I would even recommend the Sounex YN9000 or just using a disposable camera. Anything other than the Fancy Solar/Franka/Civica/Focus/whatever name it also goes by DX-3 point and shoot camera!

Thank you for making it to the end of the post. And as always, I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did researching it.

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As of this post there is only one poster, but more will be coming soon, so please keep this link booked marked:   

List of sources:

Burgerac. Civica DX-3 Fancy.

CollectiBlend. 2023. New Taiwan.

Kamerastore. 2022. Fancy DX-3 – Camera.

Kamerastore. 2023. Franka DX-3 Fancy – Camera.

Minophoto. Sinpo PQ-3.

Retro Camera Shop. 2025. Sirius DX-3.

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